Updating Your Website

After Owners Websites build your website, we hand it over to you with unrestricted access to manage. We do this because unlike many service providers we don’t wish to tie our customers into using a particular platform or subscription service. This continues to be one of our unique selling points and means if we get hit by the proverbial bus, you can ask any other website designer to pick up your website and maintain it for you.

What this unrestricted access isn’t intended to suggest is that if you need to make changes to your website then you have to make them yourself. If you are unsure of what you are doing you can very easily create problems that can lead to your website not performing properly, bookings being missed and support requests made.

To avoid an adverse website performance experience we suggest below a fairly straightforward distinction between changes that are safe for customers to make on their website, and those that probably shouldn’t be undertaken by someone without some website design experience.

Updating Your Website : YOURSELF 
Changes to your website that are applied through the back-end (your Dashboard) of your website are generally safe for you to do yourself. These include:
  • Changing your pricing
  • Creating / maintaining a blog / news page
  • Managing your bookings
  • Adding/deleting any synchronised calendars
  • Adding or updating your reviews
  • Swapping images/removing Images from your galleries
Updating Your Website – Consider Requesting SUPPORT
Generally consider requesting support if you wish to affect changes to the front-end (customer facing pages) of your website including:
  • Uploading new images
  • Layout changes
  • Creating Banners / Alerts
  • Creating links to pages / other websites

Hey, why are you suggesting I raise a support request for something as simple as uploading a new photo?”

Simply because it is as easy to do … as it is easy to do wrong.  More than anything else I am asked to troubleshoot image related issues on a regular basis including:
  • Unoptimised images are slowing websites down
  • Images are presenting in an undesirable fashion when mobile devices change their aspect ratio
  • Low resolution images are needing to be upscaled for large screens
  • SEO friendly metadata not being applied to optimised sites.
  • Images that break someone else’s copyright!

Our Charges for Support


Advice / Guidance

If you need advice or guidance then send an email – its free. Or go to our online Knowledgebase – that’s free too.  Please note telephone support requests are chargeable and will be charged at £30.

Troubleshooting / Change Requests

If you need us to make changes to your website or fix a problem then send us an email with your request. Our standard charge for a small change request is £30. This charge also applies (per property) for any pricing updates that you ask us to make to your website.

Telephone Support Requests will incur an additional cost of £30.

Please note

  • Troubleshooting/Change Request pricing will be advised to customers before commencement of any works. 
  • More complex change requests including pricing changes for multiple properties will be priced on request.
  • The above charges do not apply to customers whose websites are in development or within 3 months of their launch

Get Help Online

Update Your Pricing, Configure Email Accounts, Manage your bookings and more

Visit our Online Knowledgebase
