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Last updated on 19 October 2022
Confirm a Booking
When your website receives a booking your website will alert you to this by sending you an automated email notification.
Unless you have instant Payment enabled on your website, your booking system will be configured to accept enquiries only which means you have the opportunity to vet the information supplied by your potential guest on their booking form.
If you are happy to confirm the booking with your guest, you then need to confirm the booking on your website. This will then block out the dates.
You’ll find your list of Bookings at OWcal > Reservations
To the right of each booking are 3 icon options that allow you to confirm, reject or delete the booking.
Simply confirm the booking by clicking the Green Tick and this will block out the dates on your calendar

What Makes Owners Websites So Different?
We at Owners Websites are Holiday Home Owners as well as Website Designers.
Our services have been developed to suit Holiday Home Owners – and not just customers looking for Website Design. We provide all the features you need (or may need in the future) to successfully manage your holiday home’s website and to deliver bookings to your website.