New Website – No Bookings?

You’ve just launched your new website – now how do you start getting bookings?

Firstly, unless you want to start experimenting with paid advertising, don’t expect your website to immediately start ranking highly on Google Searches.  A brand new website with little to no visitors is not going to outperform an established website with regular traffic. This may not seem welcome news now but this will work in your favour later once you’re up and running.

If you do nothing to promote your website it will very slowly climb the search rankings as it gets older. This article however is about accelerating this process – getting visitors to your website from other means, banging on Google’s door to tell it about what your website does and boosting it’s credibility by making it relevant to people’s searches.

Below we have 8 things you should be doing to maximise the reach of your new website.


Get Your Free Google My Business Listing

Google My Business not only gives your Holiday Home an attractive listing in the Google searches it also puts your holiday home on Google Maps.

Linking your website to your listing will also help the performance of your website on Google Searches.
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