
Who offers not just the most affordable but the best performing solution

If you are considering a new website for your holiday home, this article aims to give you a few pointers, some of which may save you following a path that leads you off into the wrong direction. So to kick things off we are going to cover:

  • What your Holiday Home Website needs
  • What your Holiday Home Website certainly DOESN’T need
  • The costs of maintaining a website and the pro’s and con’s of FREE website design and hosting services

What should a Holiday Home Website Cost?

According to GoDaddy, in the table below, you should expect to pay £1235 per YEAR for a bespoke website for your holiday home.

Well…we charge £110 per year

Or you could choose to do all the work yourself and pay GoDaddy an extra £169 year! 

Our Pricing

No hidden extras. Just a one-off cost to build your website – and a single annual fee that takes care of all your website’s running costs

Annual Hosting

Hosting Service

For new websites

Annual Payment

  • Fast UK Website Hosting with Domain Name

  • Your choice of domain name

  • Personalised Email Accounts

  • SSL Certificate

  • £110

    with Website Support

    Established websites

    Annual Payment

  • Fast UK Website Hosting with Domain Name

  • Personalised Email Accounts

  • SSL Certificate

  • Software Updates / License Renewals

  • Website Support

  • £229



    Even the best looking website is going to perform badly for you unless it has
    • A booking system
    • An availability calendar
    • The ability to be able to be found on search engines
    • Served on high performance servers
    • Fast loading
    • Mobile Optimised
    Find Out More

    Take care when considering

    • ‘Economy ‘ Website Hosting. You will very likely need to upgrade to a more expensive tiered plan once people start visiting your website. 
    • Page-builder website platforms, such as Wix. Websites built on these platforms cannot be transferred to other providers or converted into a Wordpress website.You are also often tied into a monthly subscription.
    • Sub-domain names ( These don’t look particularly professional and nor will they perform as well on search engines. 
    • Registering your domain name yourself. After registering a new domain, there may be a 60 day wait period imposed before you can transfer it to our hosting service.  As your domain name is included within our hosting service it makes sense to let us register your domain for you.
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    More on Owners Websites

    Build A Holiday Home Website

    How Long Does It Take To Build A Holiday Home Website

    Mobile Holiday Home Websites

    Is Your Holiday Home Website Mobile Friendly?