1. Show Your Availability & Pricing
At the very moment people are excitedly looking to book their holidays online you need to be able satisfy their request and display your availability online. Don’t assume that all visitors to your website will be prepared to wait patiently for you to respond to their enquiry. If your website can’t tell your visitors whether your property is available for the dates they are looking for and what your prices are, they may very well hop onto the next holiday home website that does!
2. Sell Your Location
Don’t assume that your potential guests are familiar with your location. They may have the area on their shortlist but need that extra push to encourage them that it’s a wonderful place to visit! Point people in the right direction – list local historic houses/beaches/lakes/cultural places of interest for example, with lots of photos and helpful links to websites showcasing fantastic days out and about in the area. Reassure them they’ve picked the right place to spend their precious vacation!
3. Gorgeous Galleries
‘How do I Increase My Bookings?’ Start by really going to town on your property photos … think about the images in Nigella Lawson’s Recipe Books and aim to make your holiday home look as delectable and enticing as she does her culinary delights! Take as many photos as you can of the most attractive aspects of your home. Maybe it’s a close up view of the welcome cake you greet them with, or a stunning shot of the garden with a bottle of wine and some glasses on the outside dining table – anything that really puts the holidaymaker in the mood for booking!
4. Make Some News
Your guest’s holiday really starts the moment they begin to research their holiday rather than just when they arrive. Tap into that excitement by keeping your website up to date and full of lots of relevant local information and great blogs on things they can do during their holiday. Maybe it’s a blog about your latest visit to the property and any additional features you’ve added. Or maybe it’s a guide to the latest menus in a nearby restaurant … use your imagination and get their taste buds going!
5. Introduce Yourselves as Owners
People associate warm and friendly owners with warm and friendly properties … take the time to say a little about yourselves on your website. If people can see a photo of you, it helps build trust and convince them you’re the right people to go to for their holiday. You might say why you particularly love the area – what drew you to the property in the first place and how much fun you’ve had introducing guests to your home in the past. Make them feel a connection and they will be drawn towards your home just as you were.
Simon Hibberd
Owners Websites