It was and never has been an ambition of ours to provide the cheapest website hosting services. However working smart is very much our philosophy and this has enabled us to provide extremely competitive prices.
Having made the early decision that our time was better spent developing websites than answering technical support questions we decided to take ownership of the technical aspects of website
By giving our clients less to do, we figured this would lead to us having less to do also.
hose a did set out to be among the fairest though, and through this metric we just so happen to be up to 55% cheaper than the lowest priced offerings available elsewhere.
Should we compare our comprehensive all-in-one hosting plans with economy plans offered elsewhere? It does make for interesting reading though…
Elsewhere in The Wild West of Website Hosting
Putting this post up after losing a customer in 2023 who moved away to a Hosting plan offering a promotional rate of £1.99 per month for the first year. Even with VAT added £16.80 a year appeared to offer a great deal to them.
Unfortunately the free domain offered wasn’t actually free as existing domains didn’t qualify as free domains. Transferring the domain added £14.40 to the price. The hosting plan also didn’t include an SSL certificate which was priced separately at £72. So by now even on the promotional rate offered for the first year, the plan was more expensive than what the client was already paying.
This plan’s price is set to double next year when their promotional rate ends.
Please make such considerations very carefully and feel free to ask us any questions. We will always welcome past customers back onto our hosting. However we would need to charge for rebuilding their hosting service, reconnecting their domain name and reinstalling the website. Hopefully though this is a charge that nobody will never have to pay.

Simon Hibberd
Owners Websites