Heading Goes Here
Accent Heading
This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalized copy isn’t ready yet. Once we have your content finalized, we’ll replace this placeholder text with your real content.
Choosing Your Strategy
This article presents a number of very simple and commonly used strategies to grow the reach of your website. You don’t have to choose one, you could choose them all. They will all work for you in different ways but with very different levels of return.
Get the Basics Right too
As an Owners Website customer you don't need to worry about much else as we will have taken care of the technical aspects of your website
There are still a couple of user-configurable controls that you may need to be aware of though that could affect your strategy so be mindful of these if updating your website yourself.
Accept Instant Payment
Instant Payment leads to Instant Bookings.
Many guests would prefer not to engage in a time consuming back and forth email exchange before their booking is confirmed and may look elsewhere.
Make Sure Emails Are Being Received
Not an issue for Owners Websites customers on any of our hosting plans.
However, if you host with your own Hosting provider check your Domain Configuration to make sure you have your DMARC settings configured correctly – and use an SMTP service.
If your website is several years old we recommend our Self Managed Hosting customers upgrade to our Managed Hosting Service which ensures your website software is kept up to date.
Write Engaging Text Content
If possible write from your guest's perspective about the experience that they can expect - very important on the HomePage which you should instead think of as your SalesPage.