Gather Reviews

Reviews are important and fulfil three vital functions for a holiday home website!

First, good reviews obviously give visitors to your website the confidence to stay with you.

Second, reviews also act as a positive signal for search engines that your website is satisfying the needs of its users. This should help with your website’s search ranking.

Finally, the frequent addition of reviews to your website also signals to the search engines that your website is active and being kept up-to-date.

Increase Search Ranking

Improve Bookings

Relying on an agency to host your reviews means your business’s credibilty is in their hands. If that agency decides to withdraw public reviews of your property, or decide to stop listing private holiday lets (as TripAdvisor will be doing in 2024) then your reviews will disappear. Best to gather them on your website or your Google Business account.

Simon Hibberd

Owners Websites