While we are focussed on providing value to our customers, we also set great store in providing high performing service too. All our customers benefit not only from high performing website hosting, but also hosting services that do not hit limits and require paid upgrades.
Since 2017, all of our Owners’ Websites have been hosted with the UK Hosting Company, 20i. In that time we have yet to receive a single query or complaint regarding the performance or downtime of a customer website.
We chose 20i because back in 2017 they were early adopters in the use of fast SSD servers and being UK based we hoped this would translate in high performance websites for our customers, the majority of whom were UK based. Since then however they have a global network of servers to support fast transfer rates all around the world.
In 2023, 20i picked up the PC Pro award for ‘Best Web Host which was not a surprise to us at all. Nor was it when they received the award again in 2024.

Simon Hibberd
Owners Websites