Placing Text on your Website

Your website’s copy (text) is the most important element of your website. More important than colour, typefaces, layout and even images.

Each page of your website has its own clearly defined purpose and needs text that supports that specific purpose.

By way of example, the role of your homepage is to SELL your property not DETAIL your property. It has to be able, in a single glance, to match your property with your prospective guest’s basic needs before they can be inclined to click the back button.

Your homepage has to demonstrate in simple easy-to-read summary form that your property is in the right location can accommodate the required number of guests.

Your property details page can then go into more detail. If your homepage has warmed your website visitor, the details page, with photo gallery should turn the heat up a notch.

There are also aesthetics to consider when presenting text copy. For example on a small device like a mobile phone it is perfectly acceptable for text to fill the width of the screen, but on a larger screen, long lines of text is an uncomfortable read and text should be formatte, whether this be in columns

Improve SEO

Increase Appeal


Simon Hibberd

Owners Websites